The Original Film
Often considered the biggest animated flop to be produced by Disney, The Black Cauldron is a very decisive movie amongst fans. Based off of one of my personal favorite book series, The Prydain Chronicles, the movie is visually stunning but little else. Perhaps trying to smush two different books together from an on going series into a self-contained two hour movie might not have been the best idea. Add in a change in management mid film, creative disputes among the filmmakers, and an exodus of animators leaving the studio, and you have a mess of a film.
The Black Cauldron is one of the few animated Disney films to not feature any musical numbers nor non-diegetic songs. Not even in the end credits. The entire film’s score was composed by Elmer Bernstein, of Ghostbusters fame. It’s often considered some his best work.
- “Prologue” - Utah Symphony Orchestra
- “Gypsy Dance” - Utah Symphony Orchestra
- “The End Credits” - Utah Symphony Orchestra
Deleted Songs
Much of the films score was cut when Jeffrey Katzenberg came on broad and edited the movie down. A bootleg album called “Taran” was released with many of these missing tracks on it.
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